My practice of the Essene Gospels has deepened the closeness I’ve felt with trees since I was young.
In the communion with the morning Angel of Life, the Essene Gospels say, “....Go then, toward the high-growing trees, And before one of them which is beautiful, high-growing and mighty, say these words: ‘Hail be unto thee! O good, living tree, made by the Creator!’ Then shall the River of Life flow between you and your Brother, the Tree….” The tree I most often go to on the day I honor the Angel of Life is not really the most high-growing and mighty. It is a pine tree that grows in the park a couple blocks away from me. In November, 2015, Spokane (where I live) was hit by a severe windstorm. Hundreds of trees came down and there were power outages throughout the city, some lasting up to 9 days. This tree was one whose trunk had split in two about 4 to 5 feet above the ground. One side came down in the storm, leaving a gaping wound in the trunk of the half that remained. In fact, the trunk was so thin at that point I was sure it would not be long before it, too, broke and the tree would make its trip to tree heaven. But that has not happened. The tree amazes me with its strength! This year the tips of its branches proudly sported a whole foot of new growth! It has not yet filled in its weak spot and has not leaked a lot of sap to heal itself, yet it soldiers on. Whenever I greet it with my, “Hail, O Great Tree made by the Creator!” I partake of its powerful example of resilience. I thank the tree for its message and express gratitude that it still lends its energy to our park – as well as my hope that it may do so for many years to come. May you open this day to some of the messages from Nature around you, and be inspired.
Last Friday I was out for my usual morning walk. The way I practice the Essene Gospels, Friday morning is when I honor the Angel of Joy. It is summer as I write this – a time when all of nature is resplendent in its growth. I view this as a time of great Joy for the natural kingdom, as it shows off the height of its beauty, the peak of its growth for the yearly cycle. In the morning, I caught sight of a Hummingbird flitting its way through the branches of a tree. As the day progressed, I saw two more. What a synchronicity! For in the system of numerology I use, three is the number of manifestation. (The joining of two creates the energy to manifest a third – a “baby,” perhaps – or an insight that rises above the polarity of two opposing thoughts…) In the Native American traditions of Jamie Sams and David Carson from their 1988 book, The Medicine Cards, Hummingbird is the animal that brings the energy of Joy to us. Sams and Carson state, “The song of Hummingbird awakens the medicine flowers. Hummer sings a vibration of pure joy. Flowers love Hummingbird because nectar-sucking brings about the reproduction of their families. Plants flower and live because of Hummingbird… Hummingbird feathers open the heart. Without an open and loving heart, you can never taste the nectar and pure bliss of life. To Brother and Sister Hummingbird, life is a wonderland of delight–darting from one beautiful flower to another, tasting the essences, and radiating the colors.” Isn’t it wondrous when synchronicities occur that can bring deeper meaning? I honored this day as a treasure, one in which a spiritual practice and nature came together to bring me a blessing: “As without, so within.” May you also find Joy in your Earthwalk. This afternoon I digressed from the Essene Gospels to read a little about Kabbalah. I find many overlaps between it and the Essene Gospels, though very few of the Kabbalah books I have (and I’ve collected many – about 7 of them thanks to a local church’s book sale shelf!) include reference to, or biobliographical mention of, the Essene Gospels.
In the book, The Essential Kabbalah by Daniel G. Matt, he talks about the concept of there being many worlds within worlds. Then this snagged my eye and tugged at my heart: “So it is with all the spheres – one inside the other – all of them are a mustard seed within the further expanses. And all of these are mustard seeds within further expanses. Your awe is invigorated, the love in your soul expands.” (page 22) Do you find this to be true? I hadn’t thought about it before reading this, but I realized that when I’m caught in a moment of awe, the experience is one of expansion. And with the expansion comes a feeling of what I would call Love. And isn’t it interesting that Mr. Matt uses the phrase “a mustard seed.” Jesus used that, too – and from a quick Internet search, he used it more than once. The parable I like that could fit the Kabbalistic use described above is, “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.” (Matthew 13:31-32). This gives the impression of a small “world” growing into a big one… And then housing other “worlds” (the birds and their nests) within it. Look for moments of awe to fill your soul today – and let your worlds expand. Here’s another excerpt from the Essene Gospels that caught my attention. It’s from Book 4 of the Essene Gospels, page 25, and is attributed to an “Elder” of the Essene Order:
“….For I tell you truly, there is no greater power in heaven and earth than the thoughts of the Son of Man. Though unseen by the eyes of the body, yet each thought has mighty strength, even such strength as can shake the heavens. For to no other creature in the kingdom of the Earthly Mother is it given the power of thought, for all beasts that crawl and birds that fly, live not of their own thinking but of the one Law that governs all. Only to the Sons of Men is it given the power of thought, even that thought that can break the bonds of death. Do not think because it cannot be seen, that thought has no power. I tell you truly, the lightning that cleaves the mighty oak or the quaking that opens up cracks in the earth, these are as the play of children compared with the power of thought. . Truly, each though of darkness, whether it be of malice, or anger, or vengeance, these wreak destruction like that of fire sweeping through dry kindling under a windless sky. But man does not see the carnage, nor does he hear the piteous cries of his victims, for he is blind to the world of the spirit. But when this power is guided by holy Wisdom, then the thoughts of the Sons of Mean lead him to the heavenly kingdoms and thus is paradise built on earth; then it is that your thoughts uplift the souls of men….” With this in mind, I was able to catch myself when meditating last week and angry thoughts intruded about a new development going in near where I live. I realized I did not want to bring anger in to time when my focus was meant to be a connection to Spirit, and told myself to stop, just stop right there. I was able to redirect myself to a prayer. But this can be such a challenge! It’s so easy to fall into our “justified” internal rants – and, as this passage says, we have no idea of the impact of the energies of those thoughts! I believe this because I know I can viscerally feel in my body when someone expresses anger towards me. Yes, the force of words is probably more powerful (at least on the physical level) than thoughts – but if I can feel words, who am I to say there is no consequence of thoughts? Our culture teaches us it’s OK to think as long as we don’t act on those thoughts. This would tell us otherwise. I’ll put forth the challenge for us to be more mindful of our thoughts and do our best to keep them positive! Namaste. The Inland Northwest (Spokane, Washington area and Northern Idaho) is lucky to have regionally renowned Astrologer, Govinda Miller, in our neck of the woods. Here’s his website:
I was excited to read this in his latest e-newsletter: “On May 15th, 2018 the planet Uranus entered an eight-year transit cycle through the sign of Taurus. Uranus is a spiritual, evolutionary planet that supports our intuitive connection and awareness of Higher Truth. Taurus is the sign that rules our Mother Earth and nature. This cycle will support us in developing an intuitive and inspirational relationship with the earth and nature spirits. Take time to develop a personal, conscious connection with nature and feel the deep stillness that is present there. The practice of meditation can be enhanced in this way. "Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." Albert Einstein Also, Humanity's collective emotional state of being affects the wellbeing of nature and the earth. We have dominion over nature, which brings with it great responsibility. If we wish to help the earth, we must respect the natural order of things.” The Essene Gospels also tell us that we can understand all of Life through understanding nature. I didn’t know that Einstein also espoused that belief. Let's use this vibrational energy from the planetary transit to be more mindful of how we treat our planet Earth. If each of us were to do a little something towards creating a cleaner environment, imagine the difference it would make over 8 years! This weekend I’m attending a retreat with the title, “A Spiritual Awakening.”
What is a spiritual awakening for you? Seena Frost, the founder of SoulCollage®, said, “The Soul speaks to us through images.” Perhaps you are one who is moved deeply by beautiful imagery – whether it be in nature or artwork. If you gaze at an ancient tree with its branches spread far, or see several hues in a sunset, or the majesty of a mountain range, would that be a spiritual experience for you? I told someone today that I’d be heading to this retreat, and she told me, “I’m going to the lake.” I couldn’t resist asking, “But do you have a spiritual awakening at the lake?” Her response was that she does. And so may many others. Some people I know love the poet Rumi -- or what about others, like Walt Whitman, Robert Frost or Kahlil Gibran? A poem that captivated me in my early school years was Walter de la Mare’s Silver. I think the visualizing of the silver repetitively coloring such a wide variety of things felt shimmery and magical to me. I found a rendition of it on You Tube, for any readers who might be interested: Then there's music. Many years ago someone played a track for me from Christopher Franke’s Celestine Prophecy CD, commenting, “This is the most spiritual piece of music I’ve ever heard.” As one who uses music and tonal frequencies to assist people with personal growth and well-being, the beauty of music can transport me, also. On a couple of occasions I was transported to a place where I experienced bliss, which I suppose counts as “spiritual.” I think, for me, “inner journeys” similar to shamanic journeys, the Eupsychia breathwork process or meditation probably rate highest as spiritual. The opportunity to connect with the Divine, even if just for a moment, is more likely to happen for me in those times. So what will the presenter of this weekend, or the other attendees at this retreat consider, “spiritual?” I get to show up and find out! May you, too, experience contact with the Divine this weekend. Here’s more from Dorothy Maclean’s book, To Honor the Earth. It has so many readings that are basically the same as the Essene Gospels. Here is a communication she received from The Elements, page 28:
“You are children of the elements, composed of and part of the elements. …. but you are destroying yourselves because you think you are separate from the rest of life…. When the wind blows, it is part of you… the water joins you all….. Without the air you breathe, you could not live. How can you not know that if one suffers, the whole consciousness of the Earth partakes of that? And when one rejoices the whole takes part. …. All of life is part of you.” The way I practice the Essene Gospels, this morning is for honoring the Angel of Life. And yes, I greeted one of my favorite trees today. It is a tree who had an extension from its main trunk completely fall off in the wind storm we had in Nov., 2015. Today its branches show new growth that looks a foot long! I thanked it for sharing its message of strength and resilience with me; it’s humbling to witness such a valiant come-back from a serious trauma. Wishing us a day in which we can make choices we feel good about, knowing that they benefit the All. The evening of the Sabbath is set aside for communing with the Heavenly Father. Actually, in the Essene Gospels recounting of the Ten Commandments, the first time Moses went up to receive the covenant between God and God’s Children of Light, God told Moses that the Sabbath is “the day of the Light of the Law,” and that on this day men should “search the Light, the Kingdom of thy God…” Here is some of the passage of honoring the Heavenly Father: “The seventh Communion is with The Heavenly Father, Who is, Who was, and Who ever shall be. O Great Creator! Thou didst create the Heavenly Angels, And thou didst reveal the Heavenly Laws!... …. [Thou, O Great Creator!] Hast made the earth By thy power, Hath established the world By thy wisdom, And hath stretched out the heavens By thy love. Do thou reveal unto me, O Heavenly Father, Thy nature, Which is the power of the Angels of thy Holy Kingdom….” I had a meditation last week in which I experienced an exhale of my breath spiraling outward into worlds upon worlds, and the briefest glimpse of all the life forms created by the energy of the Creator. A sense of love washed through me, and the thought that immediately came to mind was, “And God saw that it was good.” (Genesis 1:31) Despite all the craziness that goes on in our world, may we be assured of the overall goodness of Creation today. In the Essene Gospel’s version of the Ten Commandments, the first time Moses goes up to speak with the Lord he is given a covenant from God for the Children of Light (mankind). It was different from the current Ten Commandments that have come down in our Judaic and Christian traditions – because God changed them after the people made the golden calf to worship in Moses’s absence. The fact that the people were unable to sustain the same level of spiritual consciousness when Moses was gone resulted in God and Moses deciding that the people were not ready for the Law as God had intended to share with them.
God tells Moses when he goes back up the mount for the second time, “Only the Children of Light can keep the Commandments of the Law. Hear me, for I say thus: that the tablets which thou (Moses) didst break, these shall nevermore be written in the words of men…. To thy people of little faith, who sinned against the Creator, even whilst thou stood on holy ground before thy God, I will give another Law. It shall be a stern law….. for they know not yet the Kingdom of Light.” In the first covenant, God says, “Honor thy Earthly Mother, that thy days may be long upon the land, and honor thy Heavenly Father, that eternal life be thine in the heavens, for the earth and the heavens are given unto thee by the Law, which is thy God.” This was changed to the current commandment, “Honor thy father and thy mother.” Which we interpret to mean those-who-raised-us-in-our-childhood “mother and father.” We are challenged enough with that! How might it be different if we were raised to respect the Earth as our Mother, and the Infinite God as our Father? In the first covenant, on the morning of the Sabbath the Children of Light are to greet the Earthly Mother. This is not one of her angels, but the Earth herself, who includes all the angels of the physical realm that have been greeted through the week leading up to the Sabbath. Here is some from the passage of honoring the Earthly Mother: “ … We invoke the Earthly Mother! The Holy Preserver! The Maintainer! It is She who will restore the world, And they that dwell therein…. ….. Bounteous, valiant, And full of strength; Welfare-bestowing, kind, And health-giving…. ….The Earthly Mother and I are One. I have my roots in her, And she takes her delight in me, According to the Holy Law.” I have not yet fathomed the mystery of exactly how the Earth and man are one. I leave you to contemplate it. Care to share any of the insights that come to you? . We receive a hint of the evening’s energy in this sentence from the morning’s Angel of Joy:
“…For you shall go out with joy, And be led forth with peace….” It seems that Joy and Peace are connected in these scriptures. So in the evening of Day Six, we absorb the energies of Peace. “…. I will invoke Peace, Whose breath is friendly, Whose hand smooths the troubled brow…. …. to him who hath not peace in his soul, There is no place to build within The Holy Temple; For how can the carpenter build In the midst of a whirlwind? The seed of violence can reap Only a harvest of desolation, And from the parched clay Can grow no living thing. Seek ye then the Angel of Peace… …Peace dwells in the heart of silence: Be still, and know that I am God.” Personally I love the line, “For how can the carpenter build in the midst of a whirlwind?” Getting a visual image helps concretize the concept in my mind. And how often are we REALLY aware of, “The seed of violence can reap only a harvest of desolation?” War after war after war we see the ruins of the lands bombed and strafed with chemicals, or left full of mines. We see the empty eyes of orphaned and starving children. We see our veterans return home with emotional and physical wounds that affect not only them, but their families. Yet we toss all that aside the next time our national pride gets hurt or some other country behaves in a way that is against our values. (Not to mention that often WE don’t even live up to those values!) In these Gospels, it is said Jesus always greeted those he was teaching or meeting with using the phrase, “Peace be with you.” A calming and compassionate start to whatever message was to be delivered that day. Let go of thoughts and cares of the outer world; come to a place where your mind is free from worry and open to My message. But what I like even more is one you may recognize from the Bible (John 14:27): “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.” Let go of the ways of the world for a while. Cultivate peace within. Thank you for doing your part. May peace be with you. |
Susan C. Moyer, MSW
Is a sound healer and transformational coach. She has 25+ years experience in using alternate states of consciousness to access deeper healing on all levels: physical, psychological, mental and spiritual. Archives
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